Tuesday, September 18, 2012


Lucca is a Flame Point / Tortie Mix kitten that I saved at the high-kill shelter.  She was going to get put down for no hair on her ears, which could have meant that she had ring worm.  I rescued her and she ended up NOT having ring worm.  Just a week after she got spayed, she got adopted into a great, loving family.  Here is Lucca's update from adopter:

I/we just wanted to reconnect and give you a quick update on Lucca. We are loving her and she is seeming to (slowly) love us back.

First off she is indeed the sweet kitty you said she was! It's been almost 2 weeks now and she purrs the minute she see us and is very gentle when we hold her - and she loves to play. What has surprised me is to date she rarely meows or cry; which I thought for sure any kitty might do in the beginning. She now has a sweet collar and lots of new toys to play with. I've fed her a bit of wet food on my finger, held her lots, and she really seems very comfortable with our 3 year old who is loving having 'her own kitty'... it's really cute.
Every night she is between myself and my daughter for our bedtime stories, purring, and snuggled between us. Her personality is cat-like, but clearly a love and slowly she is getting to trust us more and more and know she has a home with us.

Thank you for match-making us... I'll most likely send you another update in a couple of months once she really has realized that she has the rome of the house for her home.

This is Lucca's intake picture and pictures with her new little girl!

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